Silke Schatz (*1967) lives and works in Cologne and Manheim. She has been working internationally since 1998 and is represented by Meyer Riegger Germany and Amanda Wilkinson Gallery London, GB. Her work has recently been exhibited at Kunstverein Lingen, group exhibition on the occasion of their 40th anniversary 2023; Kunstverein Lichtenstein, group exhibition "Parlament der Pflanzen II" 2023; Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen Kornelimünster, group exhibition "Garten der Fragmente" 2022; Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen Kornelimünster, solo exhibition "manheim calling" 2021; Leopold-Hoesch-Museum Düren, "Vom Leben in Industrielandschaften II", group exhibition 2021.
research based work, installation,
drawing, cyanotypes, ceramics, sound, walks,
cooking, working with plants
Silke often works on-side in artistic research projects. The latest example is her research in the former and almost abandoned village Manheim, the last village to be evicted in the area around the open pit mining Hambach. In August 2023, three to four parties still live in the village of which nearly nothing remains today. Over the last couple years, Manheim has almost been fully erased to the ground.
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Project during Borderland Residence
In order to be able to react emphatically and thoughtfully to the surroundings of the residency, my project is a work in process. After visiting the Hausmuseum in Hochneukirch-Jüchen, seeing its wild garden, and talking to Inge Broska, artist and founder of the Hausmuseum, I plan to adjust my project from time to time. I am going to spend a few days every week in close proximity to the Hausmuseum, which also means being close to the open pit mining Garzweiler II. In a second, temporary work space right next to the Hausmuseum, I will show works from my manheim-calling workseries.
I believe that the uncertain situation in the whole area of the open pit mining since the last century needs this careful approach.