Place of Residency
art & camping, Grietherort
Loom is a practice for cultural transformation. Loom develops open, experimental formats to help find and unlock the transformative potential of people, places and organisations.
Loom is grounded in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and links with an international network in the arts, culture, design, public policy, media and heritage, bringing together local situations and global issues.
Loom is Katía Truijen (curator, media researcher, educator and musician) Mark Minkjan (urban geographer and architecture critic) Michiel van Iersel (transdisciplinary instigator of new concepts and collaborations) Radna Rumping (curator, artist and advisor on contemporary art and culture) and René Boer (critic, curator and organizer in and beyond the fields of architecture, art, design and heritage), working in close collaboration with an evolving ecosystem of talented and established practitioners.
mixed media
Powered by dialogue and imagination, Loom provides reflections, propositions, rehearsals, and real-world alternatives that bring people together around urgent issues.
Building on years of experience and a wide-ranging expertise, Loom creates unexpected ties between independent initiatives and institutions, weaving together people and practices with roots in different worlds.
Loom facilitates conversations, conducts research, curates exhibitions and public programmes, publishes books, consults organisations and develops shared learning experiences.
Project during the Borderland Residency
Year of participation
Rhine river rehearsal – reimagining a river
Rhine river rehearsal is an artistic research journey by Loom, engaging with the Rhine as a complex and ever-changing environment that is both affected by and contributing to a rapidly changing climate. During 5 days from 1–5 September, the interdisciplinary group will follow and deviate from the river using five different lenses and research methods, while engaging with the multitude of communities occupying its (past and future) banks, its soil, water and non-human inhabitants, and approaching its currents and stories of ongoing human hubris, as well as counter-narratives that imagine the future of the Rhine river otherwise.
Today, with an increasing frequency of devastating floods and extended periods of severe drought, attributed to climate change, we are forced to reposition ourselves vis-a-vis the mental image and lived reality of the Rhine river. Recent proposals for walls and levees, floodscapes, rain gardens and other water management and retention techniques will likely not prepare us for the extreme circumstances we will encounter in the coming years. It is about time to rethink our relationship with (a lack of) water, or wetness, and generate images and ideas beyond the more traditional representations of rivers, such as maps and diagrams. During the Rhine river rehearsal we will test and develop a diversity of methods and tools that help us capture the Rhine in all its messy, unpredictable vitality, not containing but facilitating its radical fluidity.
During the five days, Loom will challenge the notion of the river, questioning dichotomies between land and water, center and periphery and urban and rural, a multiplicity of languages that surround the river – from Rheinromantik to Rheinbegradigung – as well as past and future floodings and boundaries of the Rhein. Meanwhile, they will turn to existing artistic practices and methodologies approaching the river, such as soundwalks, or acoustic ecology methods (inspired by a.o. Annea Lockwood, and Lasse-Mark Riek).
The rehearsal journey will continue in fall in Amsterdam, at and with the Goethe-Institut Niederlande and LASP (Rietveld), as well as in Merzenich (Hambach mine, one of the future Rhine bassins) as part of the Borderlands Residencies programme.
The project is a collaboration between Loom and the Lectorate Art & Spatial Praxis (Gerrit Rietveld Academie), Goethe-Institut Niederlande and Borderland Residencies, who support the project.